Monday, December 12, 2011

My sister is being a major MOH-zilla, what do I do?

My sister is really frustrated about my wedding. Her first marriage ended in divorce, after which she plunged into a new relationship with a guy that, after 3 years, seems to have no interest in marrying her, despite her insistence that he's going to propose (I'm not going to go into why I'd be surprised if he ever does propose, but for an example he told her a year and a half ago that after he won this one race (he's a race car driver) he was going to propose to her in the winner's circle - he won, no proposal). So even though she wants to be my MOH (and I want her to be, she's my only sister), she's really frustrated about the fact that I have a fiance, a house, and am getting all the things she wants out of her life but can't seem to get. So she's starting to go all MOH-zilla on me!

Now, when she got married the first time, I was her MOH and I did whatever she told me to do - wore the dress she wanted, got my hair done the way she liked, etc. I didn't complain about anything. I felt my job was to help her plan and get ready for her big day. But it seems like now she's trying to make my wedding day about her! We go to the same beauty salon, and the girl who does both our hair for cuts and coloring, and so on, is the one I'm going to have do my hair and makeup. Almost as soon as I mentioned that I was going to have this girl do my hair and makeup, she's like, ';I want to go to Linda (our stylist), I don't like how anybody else there does my hair.'; And said it in a really snotty way, like how dare I, the bride, have first dibs on the stylist.

Then she emails me a link to her bridesmaid wish lists at Alfred Angelo and David's Bridal about two days after I got engaged, before we'd even finalized a date, to show me which dresses she liked. None of them did anything for me, and none would even look good on her! The one dress I've seen so far that I know I really like she insists that she can't wear it because it'll make her look like a whale and I must want to pick that one so that everybody else in the bridal party looks good except her. Oh, and she also hates my gown and says the style is ugly (which it's not, just that she has different tastes than me).

So today we went to a bridal show, and we're walking around and I'm signing up for the free drawings and picking up brochures (because free stuff is awesome and I wanted to get some ideas) and she's like, ';You don't want to do that. You don't want to have that. I don't like that.';

To top this all off, we got the DJ she wanted us to get because the DJ company employs one of her boyfriend's friends, so we did it out of courtesy to him (not that he's going to get up and dance at the reception). Plus, I was mentioning how my fiance wasn't sure who to ask as his fourth groomsman in case my best friend, who is sick with leukemia, gets the green light from her doctor to participate, and how if he couldn't come up with another friend that I would suggest him asking my friend's husband, and my sister's like, ';Why would you do that, why wouldn't he want to invite his future brother in law?'; Meaning her boyfriend, to whom she is not engaged and whom we don't know that well, and whom my fiance doesn't really like that much.

I'm afraid that this is making me sound like a bridezilla, but I really haven't been. I've told her that it's my day, that she got to pick what she wanted for her wedding so I should be able to get what I like for mine, that I didn't see why I couldn't have the color and dress style that I like. And she's like, ';Well that color looks terrible on me and that dress is ugly,'; and so on. She's been really bitchy about pretty much every aspect of my wedding that I've shared with her so far. I don't know what to do.My sister is being a major MOH-zilla, what do I do?
I would just go ahead with the things you want for the wedding. If she continues to act this way I would calmly tell her ';I'm going to try and explain this to you one last time. When you got married you made yout choices on how you wanted your wedding. This is my turn and hopefully my one and only wedding and I want to look back at this day and remember it was exactly what I dreamed it would be. If you do get married again you are free to choose any colour and style dress you like, but for now, this is the dress and the colour scheme I am going with.'; that way you are telling her this is your wedding without being rude about it. Wanting to choose things for your wedding is not being a bridezilla. Wanting to choose everything for someone elses wedding is.My sister is being a major MOH-zilla, what do I do?
Your wedding your decisions to make not hers
Your wedding day is YOUR day! You make all the choices that you want. Do not let anyone run over you. Sit down and talk with her and let her know how you feel and then if she keeps it up i would replace her in the wedding party.
She sounds like the type of person that loves attention and needs it..

She wants to make everything about her.

ignore it. If her comments aren't constructive tell her to shut up.

Everything is up to you NOT her.

Tell her she doesn't help when she's being difficult.
perhaps she doesn't know she is hurting your feelings. try talking to her. if that doesn't work tell her what you need and want her to do.
My suggestion is to write her a letter if you can't sit down with her. Tell her that you feel very hurt that she can't just be happy for you and be supportive. Instead, all she does is *****, complain and discourage.

I have a sister just like that. Basically, both your sister and mine are bitter women that want the world to center around them and their misery. My sister can suck the joy out of even minor happy events. The difference is that my sister does it all the time, not just because I'm planning a wedding. My suggestion is to simply eliminate her from further planning. I can understand why it would be difficult to eliminate her as MOH, but at least you can minimize further contact unless there is reason to absolutely require her attendance and input. If she doesn't pull this crap around your mother, try to have your mom present.
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