I live in Boston and i would like to know stores with links and pictures of where i can imitate their outfits.Retro Kids cool kids fashion Back In Old style How to dress like them?
Vintage jackets, old school sneakers, jazz-blue singer looking glasses.
The best place to find these looks is at a charity or thrift shop somewhere. You're lucky because Boston has a LOT of them...I love rummaging through and finding old jackets and such. You can find genuine vintage ';retro kids'; fashion.
Best of luck.Retro Kids cool kids fashion Back In Old style How to dress like them?
yo cool kids is dope! they deff got mad style, but some websites you could go on could be: karmaloop.com, freshcotton.com, ihmdj.com
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here's a thought dress your own age when me and my friends see older people dress kinda like us it brings on acid reflex.
if your not in your early 20s at lest then drop the act.
but if you are then were cool lol I would totally imitate 3oh!3 they have awesome style and their music kicks @ss.
wear: hollister abercrombie and fitch and american eagle
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