Sunday, November 21, 2010

Men, how much do looks matter to you? Who would you rather be with?

In my school, there was this average looking girl with good dressing style, was really popular, hung out with the popular crowd and had a lot of friends, outgoing, fun and did well in school. Some guys liked her.

And there was this good looking girl who had long, soft hair and was very pretty, but was shy, was nice but awkward, and only had a few friends. But many popular guys liked her.

Based on the description, who would you like and why?Men, how much do looks matter to you? Who would you rather be with?
They both sound interesting enough to me.

I don't see the difference on balance. One is prettier, but the other is more outgoing -- both are nice, so what's the problem?Men, how much do looks matter to you? Who would you rather be with?
both and in the end any will do.
the second girl

there are a lot of uggly girls

who are poular and make themselves pretty by having a nice body,nice clothes,nice hair.....nice personality
i would like the shy girl. i guess its cause of the fact that the more popular girl has a lot of friends.
that sounds alright

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